Week 05.
This week had the Dremel as the primary focus; I needed to prioritise this asset as I could see it causing long term problems later if anything went wrong, thankfully nothing did. After creating the normal map in Photoshop using an attachment I had downloaded (created by Nvidia), I imported the Dremel in engine with the multi-sub material added to it to see if the normal would generate embossed and indented surfaces under blue lighting and the test was a success. You can clearly see all the raised surfaces had caught the blue light while the surfaces that are imprinted stay dark and unlit.
After that was sorted I started working on a colour scheme, I decided to go with the traditional blue and white print on the side.
I then sent a screenshot back to my team for some critique and they said it could look grubbier, so I altered the roughness and metallic levels in the rubber material I created and it came out looking a lot better.
I also made adjustments to the plastic changing from gloss to a more rough/bumpy scratch proof material you’re used to seeing on hand tools, and I added more blue areas to the tool’s design which I preferred
Having this done only left my Pestle and Mortar for a material